
Since for me it will be the final post of this year, I will keep it short. 

So the word is ‘Resolution’. Now given the time frame it’s expected that this word will come around a lot, but the word in itself has become more of a social obligation rather than an individual choice. 

The whole idea of resolution was at least in general to try something new. But over the years the trend has shifted. No longer the word is associated in general with new, rather nowadays it’s about ‘restraining’ the old. So cut on the carbs, control that anger, and sleep less. From basic dietary preference to world peace (even though it remains more tounge in cheek), resolutions have become (at least for majority of us), synonymous with failures. 

At the end of year most people think dreadfully about those resolutions that they couldn’t complete, only to follow the same exercise again. It’s hard to be enthusiastic about being restrained after all. 

But for me my resolution has always been met with success, for every year my resolution remains the same, Never to make any resolution. No wonder my dad often call me an ass, since resolution about no resolution is basically plain stupidity. “It defeats the purpose”, he says. 

For me I will go with my sibling definition for my act, Idiot paradox. 

Written for Linda G. Hill Stream of Consciousness Saturday. The word this week is Resolution. 

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